Wednesday, July 30, 2008

OCCDLA Summer Retreat Update

Howdy team!

I just got back from the OCCDLA summer retreat in Yachats, and the weather was pretty Oregon coast- half sunshine, half fog socked in so thick we couldn't see the beach 50 yards away. I can hardly complain, the coast is beautiful no matter what the weather it seems.

The fog did make it easier to focus on virtual worlds and other group concerns for OCCDLA- so Tuesday morning when Ruby(Paula) presented our progress, all eyes and ears in the room were riveted to find out that our project so far is successful and on schedule. We've asked for sustaining funds for 08-09, as well as a development budget so that we can seek and hire a professional design team to assist in our islands planned buildout. ( The next critical date for funding information is August 6-7th, when CIA/OCCDLA will be meeting in Salem to hash out the annual state budget.

Progress, exciting! :)


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